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Okanagan Fruit Pickers Wanted

Discussion in 'Employment and Students' started by ABD, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. ABD

    ABD Guest

    Just posting as a personal PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. The Okanagan Valley is in a crisis and is in need of staff. One store alone is down 15 pickers. This is dangerous to our food supply. If the pandemic comes back in the fall you may have only local food sources. If you need a job, love to be outside the Okanagan needs you. Osoyoos Fruit Basket needs 15 pickers and they are just one of countless places needing staff. I know this because I work with these stores as a supplier and deliver there. There are signs EVERYWHERE PICKERS WANTED. Picking is perfect for social distancing! And a great adventure in the sun! These farms usually host foreign workers so some will even come with accommodations. Its perfect for students. High rollers make good money! Think of it as going to war for your nation! We have excellent food supply in Canada and if they don't find pickers we will all suffer this winter!

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