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Clayton General Store pepperoni

Discussion in 'Food, Drinks and Dining' started by pepperoniluvr, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Back in the 1980's, at the old Clayton General Store on Fraser Hwy (where the Coffee King now resides), they used to sell pepperoni from a local supplier. The pepperoni was sold by the pound, covered in a plasticky casing that was a bit oily but the pepperoni was dry and spicy and the best pepperoni I have ever tasted. I had went there a few times (before the Hillcrest Drive-In closed) and asked the workers there and they were young and didn't remember it. Does anyone remember what brand it was or if it's still being made/available? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. Does anyone remember this?
  3. Alex G

    Alex G Guest

    I had their pepperoni before but it was not sealed and without a logo. It was real good. I would buy it again.

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