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All-Clad Sale

Discussion in 'Shopping Discussions' started by Nerdgal, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. Nerdgal

    Nerdgal New Member

    Just got my All-Clad D5 10 piece brushed order from Cookworks.ca and I'm stoked! I paid $799 for my set, but I noticed they had a lot of other good deals on other All-Clad stuff. I kinda wish now I'd bit the bullet and went for the Copper Core. Not sure what the difference is quality wise, but I love the look! Oh well, I know I'm going to love cooking with my shiny new stuff!
  2. Carolynbonquin

    Carolynbonquin New Member

    All-Clad D5 is a pleasure to cook with, don't get me wrong. I have several of the (standard) pans myself and one of the copper core bought on sale too! Thanks for sharing.

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