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Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by milquetoast, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Here's another article based on stereotypes meant to stir up a reaction from the public. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704111504576059713528698754.html

    She makes some very good points such as the bits about differential parenting mindsets (strength vs fragility) and cultural misunderstandings, but any good points don't end up leaving as much of an impression as they should because of the tone set by the poor title and introduction. There are some good thoughts in the readers' comments section too, but you'll have to somehow wade through the abundance of ethnocentric views supported by flawed assumptions.
  2. (ESYK)

    (ESYK) Guest

    Most Chinese parents these days are not like this mother. She is an extreme case of an overbearing momma.

    I was allowed to watch TV, play games, be in a school play, and choose my own extra-curricular activities. Does that make my parents less Chinese than this momma? No, just less crazy.

    Damn, I often think my parents can be overbearing, but they're not half as bad as this dragonlady tiger mother.
  3. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    I think the reality is that kids are a lot more resilient than people tend to think. I bet a large portion are able to grow up to be successful decent people even with shit parents. Conversely, because childhood psychology complex and unpredictable, you also have kids growing up in what society perceives as a "good family environment" that turn out to be bad people.

    A good blog post here: http://blog.seattlepi.com/jimtaylor/archives/236148.asp

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