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Green Living Your thoughts on fruit trees...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by EnviroStudent, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. EnviroStudent

    EnviroStudent New Member

    Hi all!
    I am a student at Langara College and I am currently researching attitudes toward backyard fruit trees within the city. Please take a moment to fill in a quick survey available through this link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HRXSLWZ

    It will only take a minute and we would love to hear your opinion!
    Feel free to share the link with anyone who may be interested and feel free to leave any comments on this thread.

  2. bill barilko

    bill barilko Full Member

    Fruit trees are a tonne of work and processing the fruit even more work.

    The simple fact is that food is cheap in Canada and that's why backyard fruit trees are an anachronism.
  3. EnviroStudent

    EnviroStudent New Member

    Bill, thank you for replying. Fruit trees can be a lot of work but the ecological and social benefits are also very numerous. In addition to taking CO2 out of the atmosphere they absorb rain water which eases the burden on our storm drains, attract birds and other pollinators as well as supply food.
    As far as the burden of maintenance and harvesting, there are organizations in the city that offer very discounted tree pruning workshops and another organization that will harvest unwanted fruit and donate it to shelters, day cares and the like. Check out tree keepers.ca and vancouver fruit tree project society, there is a ton of info on available services between those two.

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