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Vancouver Riot Downtown after Canucks Lose Stanley Cup 2011

Discussion in 'NSFW' started by milquetoast, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. miller

    miller Guest

    Well, I guess it's a start. The guy seems to have a shred of personal integrity at least. Too bad he didn't have atleast as much common sense or he might not have been in that situation in the first place.

    So far everyone who has been ID'ed is more or less just a regular person; so much for the VPD Chief's theory that it was all the work of "criminals and anarchists disguised as hockey fans". More like immature boys disguised as men.
  2. kyle

    kyle Guest

    did anyone die?
  3. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member


    Confirmed multiple times now, but once more can't hurt.

    misslittleshoppingspree from mallvibes:
  4. theywerefans

    theywerefans Guest

    how can anyone say that these weren't canuck fans? how do you know? just as you cannot call all canuck fans bad apples, you cannot call all of them model citizens either. the riot may have been started by anarchist, but drunk canuck fans continued it
  5. Kelly

    Kelly Guest

    What the VPD is saying is that "criminals and anarchists disguised as hockey fans" started it and because people had been drinking it does not take much for the little boys to try and show off. All they had to do was to start it and than leave and watch everyone else finsh it for them. That is why they do not get caught.
  6. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    ^The criminals and anarchists came prepared with hoods and masks to conceal their identity. All they had to do was play the angry/drunk fans like pawns.

    It's clear that some people's lives are being ruined over this, many of them are teenagers. I'm not speaking about a criminal record or any law related punishment. Rather, I'm talking about the reputation damage caused by social media which will arguably be worse than anything our courts will hand out.

    In some cases, it's deserved but what about the Nathan Kotylaks and Jason Lis out there? In Jason's case, it looks like he got swept up in the moment and hit a part of the window that was already broken. It's utterly stupid that he would involve himself like that, but it's not horrible and from a psychological standpoint, even reasonable. I bet most people have done worse things in their youth. The way some people are acting make it seem like he murdered someone. From what I hear, he had good grades, a scholarship and was on his way to UBC. Should he lose all that due to a lapse of judgement?
  7. wrong...there is video of this guy smashing the windows. I love all the young white male stuff though...when it looks like a lot of brown and yellow and women too!
  8. Richmondite

    Richmondite Guest

    Quite simply, yes.

    This goes too far beyond any sort of "youthful indiscretion" to allow continued membership. Any number of disreputable activities outside of cadet time might be frowned at, result in discussions between the cadet and CO, and perhaps delay promotion, lose the cadet a training opportunity, or merit a suspension, depending on the nature of the act.

    Taking part in a riot is not one of them; it is a display of poor judgement, glaring disregard for others, and monumental stupidity on a level inconsistent with continued membership in the RCAC or any other cadet organisation.

    With this kind of deliberate stupidity, does he really deserve that scholarship? Does he deserve that university admission? Actions have consequences, and as a Grade 12 student he should clearly possess the maturity to understand the difference between right and wrong.
  9. They may have locked their Facebook pages but their friends / family haven't.
    Send their friends / Family / Bosses this page and then we'll see how funny it is.

    Soooo stupid.
  10. KMCHT

    KMCHT Guest

    I agree; I've studied psychology in university, and studies have made it quite clear than the behaviour of rioters is much more dependent on the circumstances of the situation, and not the individual. Jason was likely caught up in the moment, and I don't think severe punishment is warranted. This is also why it would only take a small group of anarchists to start the riot; once the riot's been started, it only requires small contributions from many members of the crowd to keep going.

    I'm not from BC by the way.
  11. Leah

    Leah Guest

  12. ROB

    ROB Guest

    The police should have used water cannons, and more police dogs. The youth(most of them) of Vancouver are a bunch of selfish losers.
  13. kenshankhill

    kenshankhill New Member

    [email protected] for anyone wanting to know the ancestry of the local hard-man Billy Chickite
  14. kenshankhill

    kenshankhill New Member

    sure the context is all but not everyone gets sucked into behaving like that....Zimbardo's work as well as Milgram BUT that whilst mitigating it cannot be an excuse and no society would believe thus even though many would be less severe than others.
  15. Jay Nguyen

    Jay Nguyen Guest

    Bros (both of you), chill out. Less than 0.2% of Vancouver was involved in the riot so it's not right to blame the whole city. Let's stop the bullshit patriotism and be thankful that a good handful of those retards involved will get what's coming.

    Let's not deny that there are people EVERYWHERE that will do this, Europe does this for soccer, and Toronto would probably also do it if they had the chance. I'm not saying ALL of Toronto though.
  16. Many, many years ago (in my youth) I used to a lot of stupid things. A lot worse than what these idiots did after Game 7. I had been raised with a basic philosophy - When you get caught, take your punishment like a man...

    Youthful exuberance; boredom; call it what you may... However I was raised right; and outgrew the stupidity over time; as most of those who caused this destruction will. And yes, I got caught a few times; accepted the punishment and learned.

    If losing the scholarship / or a job / or getting fined / of having to do serious community work is the punishment; I hope these idiots accept that and learn from their mistakes...
    Gillie Dunn likes this.
  17. Mike

    Mike Guest

    There's video of him smashing windows...
  18. Bruins4Life

    Bruins4Life Guest

    Thank you to those who are working to gather and publicize evidence and names of the childish douchebags who rioted after the game.

    Now instead of being remembered as a wonderful city with a fantastic team, you're an international laughing stock. I hope that those of you who have evidence turn it over to the police. If the looters aren't punished for this, they'll keep doing it. Make sure this doesn't become a habit.

    I was heartbroken that I couldn't be at the game. Now I'm quite glad I wasn't.

    What a sad incident for all Vancouver.
  19. Hey buddy. Get some class. I saw you at G20. Bozo.
  20. Anon

    Anon Guest

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