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Transit Jobs NOW!!! Coast Mountain Bus is HIRING!

Discussion in 'Employment and Students' started by Superchecker, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Funny thing about the Maintenance department.... Last Summer/Fall with the budget cuts, they were looking to eliminate at least 60 positions.... There was early retirement incentives... Some in the apprenticeship programs were let go.... Now, they are hiring again?? Just seems so weird to "need" to eliminate 60 people like 6 months ago, and now the need more staff???

    PS: Most maintenance positions work the longer 4 days on/3 days off.... They sign up once a year, and bid on any vacancies in between sign ups... Most start out on night shift.... Almost everything is based out of Burnaby, but we do have 6 other depots: Oakridge, Marpole, North Van., Port Coquitlam, Richmond & Surrey....
  2. JohnJ21

    JohnJ21 Guest

  3. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

  4. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    John- are you going for serviceperson? If you didn't already know, they will train you for a class 3 licence, with air endorsement... You might need to get the leanrers air endorsement before training...
  5. Bsr1978

    Bsr1978 Guest

    Hey John what kind of behavioral questions did they ask at the panel interview for serviceperson? Any insite to what to expect would be a great help.
  6. JohnJ21

    JohnJ21 Guest

    Bsr1978, I would love to help you out but considering the fact that I am currently going through the process and have yet to be informed if I will be advanced past the interview stage, I think that giving you information on interview questions which would allow you to prepare your answers ahead of time would give you an unfair advantage over my bid for employment. I had to go in and sweat it out not knowing what to expect so I think it's only fair that everyone should be on the same playing field.

    I can tell you one thing...it's a long interview so dress comfortable! Good Luck!
  7. bsr1978

    bsr1978 Guest

    Did you hear back from them yet? I did my interview last week also and they said they'd call by next week to let me know. Haven't heard nothing. Sucks having to wait especially when you're not working at the moment because I really want the job so don't know if I should keep applying other places or just wait for a reply. Like you stated earlier, it would be nice if they would let you know right away so you can move on. Fingers crossed though
  8. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Hello! I don't know if this will affect/delay anything but: head office, including Human Resources, is moving this month... From North Surrey to Sapperton area of New Westminster...

    I wish all applicants/interested people the best of luck....

    Over at SkyTrain, (BC Rapid Transit Company), they still have about 6 different postings at this time; and AirCare is looking for Part Time Lane Inspectors for their Coquitlam Inspection Station....
    www.translink.ca and then their Careers Page...
  9. JohnJ21

    JohnJ21 Guest

    Hi bsr1978...No I haven't heard anything yet. It's been just over 4 weeks since I went in for my interview already. Maybe the delay has something to do with them moving their offices as Superchecker stated. Hopefully some news will come after the Canada Day long weekend.
  10. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Hello... Was talking with a guy a couple of weeks ago who used to occasionally work in the Training Department and he had heard that there were at least 3 MORE training classes approved to start about a month apart... So one for July, one for August and one for September, roughly... I don't know if they will be full classes of 14 or not...

    AND, I don't know if the 21 Office/Depot positions that are being eliminated this Fall would have any affect on new hires for driving...

    No expansion for the forseeable future... Surreys new B-Line route launches Sept 2!
  11. bsr1978

    bsr1978 Guest

    Well guess that's somewhat of a good sign because it means i'm not out of the running at least. Hopefully we get that call this week!
  12. JohnJ21

    JohnJ21 Guest

    I guess it can be considered as a "good sign" only if CMBC does in fact contact applicants who are unsuccessful after the interview to let them know. I had an interview a few months ago at another company and I thought I did pretty good. After about 3 weeks with no word from them, I finally emailed the HR guy that was in my interview and asked for the status of my application. Two days later I got a reply stating that I was unsuccessful. If I wouldn't have emailed them, would they have even bothered to let me know? I don't know.

    I know that in the FAQs of the CMBC careers section, it does state that it is not neccessary to contact them regarding the status of your application during the recruiting process.
  13. bsr1978

    bsr1978 Guest

    I was under the impression that they contact you either way. I thought other people were contacted in some way to be told if they were successful or unsuccessful. Don't want to call HR as I know they don't get back to you and I was told the same that they would be contacting me. Guess i'll just keep waiting but look for something else in meantime.
  14. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    a PRE APPRENTICE (MECHANICS) posting went up on the website today! ACT FAST IF INTERESTED!
  15. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    New posting is up NOW for 2- Part Time, Temporary, FAREBOX ATTENDANTS, Approx 16 hours per week X $19.47 an hour...

    www.translink.ca and then their CAREERS page and then Coast Mountain Bus Company!
  16. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    West Vancouver has a posting up now for a TRANSIT SERVICE TECHNICIAN, Full Time, 40 hours per week X $25.49 an hour PLUS Benefits!


    Duties include: checking engine and fluid levels; daily fueling; cleaning inside and outside of buses; changing buses off out on the road; steam cleaning; performing major interior cleaning of buses; checking buses for unreported damge; providing basic assistance to mechanics, and other similar duties...

    MUST HAVE A BC Class 2 or 3 license! WITH Air Brake Endorsement...

    Apply before Noon August 16...

    Note: The West Vancouver Garage is located in North Vancouver...
  17. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    TransLink is in need of a CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANT, PART TIME- CASUAL, $23.64 an hour PLUS an extra 20% while temporary- in lieu of benefits...
  18. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Just a weekly recap:

    Go to the careers page over at www.translink.ca and up comes 17 job opportunities at TransLink. Click onto the following links on that careers page and discover:

    -6 MORE postings at Coast Mountain Bus,
    -6 MORE postings at BCRTC (SkyTrain),
    -New Officer opportunities, and 1 more posting at Transit Police,
    -2 MORE at AirCare,
    -3 MORE at HandyDART...

    No more at ProTransBC (Canada Line) at this time...

    1 more over at www.westvancouver.ca/

    Google: BC Transit for 7 MORE opportunities over in Victoria...
  19. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    $17.92 an hour in training, with raises up to $24 an hour... PART TIME/CASUAL TO START!

    ALSO a posting up for 5- DEPOT COORDINATORS- CASUAL TO START, $27.42 an hour...

    There is also an INTERNAL Posting (Open to existing employees only, at this time) for full time CONVENTIONAL TRANSIT OPERATOR TRAINEES too!

    www.translink.ca and then their Carees Page, and then Coast Mountain Bus Company!
    Over at TransLink, they have a variety of postings up including a new one for a GRAPHIC ARTIST!
  20. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Thought there might be an excited responce or two... Maybe everyone is enjoying this great summer??

    Keeping an eye to see if that Conventional Operator posting goes public/external later this week/month...

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