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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ema, Jun 25, 2010.

  1. ema

    ema Full Member

    I couldn't find a section for rants lol.

    Any ways here it goes...
    WHAT THE FREAK?! Registration starts at 7AM today. But I mean c'mon, how many 1st year students are registrating?
    So far, it's all the 93%+ students who are for today.
  2. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Don't worry, a lot of people drop..and most first year courses have enough spots to accommodate everyone.

    If there's a course(s) you're really worried about, shoot me a PM and I'll save a spot for you.
  3. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    What time is your registration?
  4. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    I think these two groups are appropriate :D.

    You can probably register for the STT but not the individual courses..probably says >=3 because some people transfer into commerce and they might be missing first year courses, so they would take it out of a standard time table while first years would have to take it via STT?? Just a guess.

    Honestly as bad as UBC is, you'll get all your core courses, it's just electives that you might not get depending on what they are. If your electives are large classes, then a ton (seriously, a LOT) of people drop the course during the first two weeks, especially if they it's an introductory course.
  5. ema

    ema Full Member

    ^ Hahaha, well I've already been IB Screwed, now I get UBC F*cked, that's great man.

    So far my STT are fine, just being nosy and checking on the Science ones and the Commerce ones. I feel sad for Science kids that's such a long time staying at school just cause you're in CSP or Science One :p

    That scares me.

    Rant: I can't believe I didn't go to work today to stare at the computer screen...-.-"
  6. mangopudding

    mangopudding New Member

    Told you it would be a bad idea, it's only going to make you feel worse and worse!

    When you texted me saying that 11 of my STTs are full already, I died a little on the inside. I can't even bear to refresh the page and look at the word "full" right now.
  7. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Registration success?
  8. jopopsicle

    jopopsicle New Member

    There should be a completely separate thread for Transit Rants, because... ugh. don't even get me started, i could go on all day.

    But Let's talk about those old people who blow their frikkin nose WITHOUT ANY TISSUE!!!! Like the pinch their nose with their fingers and blow out of the opposite nose! ITS SOOOO GROSS!!!! Now, i have allll the patience and tolerance for seniors and give them the respect they deserve for being able to survive this long, but GOD DAMNIT! You'd think because of your old age and wisdom you'd be able to learn how to use a napkin!!!!!!
  9. mangopudding

    mangopudding New Member

    1 is better than 0!
    And finding out a minute before your registration time that your STT just filled up =="
  10. ema

    ema Full Member

    It sucks how for STTs, they don't tell you how many have been registered. I keep thinking it's Friday for some odd reason and get all excited to go to the nightmarket just to remember that it's Tuesday.
  11. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    1. While taking the Canada Line, I saw at least 2 YVR Airport employees hogging the seat next to them with a puny backpack. I'm okay with large bulky bags/luggages taking up a seat, but not something the size of a school bag.

    2. Don't abuse the express lane at the grocery store.

    3. Can never get used to how crappy transit it, no matter how often you take it.

    4. When you're wearing a bandaid and it suddenly starts feeling super uncomfortable.
  12. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Oh, forgot to use my coupon today for a free chocolate bar (twix, mars, etc) now it's going to expire. Damn.
  13. ema

    ema Full Member

    I don't mind the Canada Line thing because everytime I'm on there...there's always a bunch of seats.
    Agreed on the express lane, I was at T&T with 1 item for lunch and this woman in front of me with 15 items. I asked if I could go first because I just have one item and she's like no I'm in a rush. REALLY NOW?! MY ONE ITEM WHICH WAS ONLY $3.99. Not to be racist against my own race but sometimes those old Chinese ladies piss me off. Common sense, 1 item vs. 15 items. What do you think?

    Then she stands there and tells the cashier to arrange items properly into the bag for her etc. Wow.

    Rant for today:
    The stupid fly that was in my room earlier and annoyed me during my show. I'm glad I managed to kill it though, turns out I'm more creative than I thought.
  14. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    No seats when I was there, otherwise it wouldn't matter.

    For me, it would depend on if 15 items is over or under the express check out limit :p... but that's because I never mind waiting and don't expect to me let ahead (even though I'm the dude with 1/2 items).

    Today I had two bottles of shampoo while everyone else had cartloads of stuff due to the no tax sale at Superstore.
  15. lwza

    lwza Junior Member

    I hate it when flying bugs are in my room. I go insane trying to catch it. Once, one of those big, fat flies was buzzing around in my room, and I ran out of my room screaming angrily at whoever left the backdoor open and let the stupid fly in. My whole family thought I had gone crazy...
  16. ema

    ema Full Member

    LOL I haven't posted my story here...but anyways I'll go copy it now. I literally re-looked at how I acted and questioned if I was psychotic...xD

  17. ema

    ema Full Member

    Apparently my mom does not appreciate me going around the house in shorts.
    mom: "Can you put shorts on?"
    me: "I am wearing shorts."
    mom:"No, you're not...go put on shorts."
    me:"THESE ARE SHORT ok?"
    mom:"No, those are not shorts, those are shorts that I bought for you to wear under dresses/skirts."
    me:"You just said they're shorts."
  18. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    I kneed the edge of a license plate in the dark, lots of blood dripping down my leg. Not cool.
  19. ema

    ema Full Member

    ^ Ouch, hope you are ok.

    Very not smart girls who ask very not smart questions...you can't make your period COME FASTER just because you don't want to get it on your trip. Just grow up and suck it up princess.
  20. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Saw that thread too... She can always try :p, since the arrival of it depends on hormones, which are tied to emotions and nutrition. So, she could theoretically manipulate it. She could always take drugs, but that'd be a pretty dumb reason to risk side effects.

    Edit: Oh I am okay, stuck a bandage on it which wasn't a good idea because it got stuck to my leg hair. The fabric band aids must have a stronger adhesive or something.

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