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Food & Drink One Week Offer: $12 for a dozen Chocolate dipped fruit!

Discussion in 'Shopping Discussions' started by Superchecker, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member


    January 13 to 20th only: National Dipped Fruit Week!
    Regular price: $29, on sale this week only $12!

    Pick up only! Not for delivery...

    Fruit Selection varies per store, and may include 4 pieces of any of the following (adding up to 12 pieces): Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Strawberries, pears and/or pineapple...

  2. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Hm, looks like it's just a box of chocolate dipped fruit and not an actual arrangement. At $12, it's still steep for what you are getting.
  3. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Well.... My Mrs really enjoyed them, and $12 is a lot better than the regular $29....

    One week deal, if you are interested....

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