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Discussion Old Spice Pacific Surge Deodorant

Discussion in 'Shopping Discussions' started by milquetoast, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Anyone know where I can find this? Ever since they changed their packaging/branding, I don't see this particular scent anymore (nothing at Superstore, Walmart, London Drugs). According to the old spice website, it's still being produced :mad:.
  2. 6u-huo.l.uV

    6u-huo.l.uV Moderator Staff Member

    i notice zellers isn't on the list...
  3. ema

    ema Full Member

    I'm that awesome of a girl...lolz that I found it for you.

    Gimme your address and i'll fedex it over lol
  4. ema

    ema Full Member

    funny lol
  5. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    ^You can tell by the label that it's old stock, could explain why I haven't seen it around.
  6. ema

    ema Full Member

    i guess stock up? lol they don't expire until you open them and then their shelf life starts decreasing
  7. 6u-huo.l.uV

    6u-huo.l.uV Moderator Staff Member

    they're pretty much open even before you buy them, though..
  8. ema

    ema Full Member

    not really, not sure about old spice but with dove lol there's piece of "tape" that seals it.
  9. 6u-huo.l.uV

    6u-huo.l.uV Moderator Staff Member

    most of men's deodorant is "open". it's just the cap and this plastic thing protecting the surface
  10. Jennifer

    Jennifer Guest

    I’m in Ontario looking everywhere for this. Best smelling stuff ever.

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