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New Start-Up Needs Help from Community

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Carolyn, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Carolyn

    Carolyn New Member

    Hello Vancouver community! - We need your help. We are a new local start-up and are looking to provide a host of services such as
    1. chauffer service,
    2. body guard service (you can hire a driver who can double as a body guard or a driver as well as a body guard)
    3. Complimentary Concierge service-offering VIP connections into exclusive restaurants, nightclubs, bars, etc.
    4. Sightseeing Tours

    We are looking for some consumer input prior to launch and to that end have devised a simple 3 question survey which will literally take less than a minute. It will be over by the time you can say Vancouver :)

    Please find the survey at:


    Your inputs below will go a long way in helping us launch and bring these services to market. Many thanks!

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