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KONY 2012

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jrysmile, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. jrysmile

    jrysmile Junior Member


    What does everyone think about this? The video is 30 minutes long but I think it's definitely worth watching
  2. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member


    On a serious note, I read something interesting about the non-profit, Invisible Children. They haven't been independently audited and according to their own records, 69% of what they collect from donations and fundraising ends up being spent on administrative costs.

    As for the campaign, it's an interesting use of social media. The internet can be a great tool (eg: google Omari and reddit). I love that it gives everyone a voice but sometimes I wonder if it'll be abused to the point where we tune it out like TV commercials. My facebook is already filled with marketing campaigns from big corporations.
  3. Night Of GuardianS

    Night Of GuardianS Active Member

  4. kony2012

    kony2012 Guest

    I think it's at least worth it to say that Kony has not been relevant in Uganda for a number of years. Both his army (LRA) and the Ugandan military employed the use of child soldiers and committed atrocities, so the situation in the ground ...is much more complex than what a couple of guys from suburban America think. The "charity" itself has shady charitable practices and they support a military intervention rather than support a ceasefire through peace negotiations. Ugandans, or at least the black Ugandan bloggers whom I've listened to, do not want a foreign military intervention, that the "White Man" can somehow just swoop in and be a saviour of the Ugandan people. When the Ugandan people have brokered a peace with the LRA, the last thing they need is foreign intervention to put that region into a quagmire again. A foreign military intervention itself WILL result in the deaths of many child soldiers and innocent civilians. The issue of child soldiers is important, yes, but it's better to question any documentary you see and who made it instead of being emotionally swept away by a 30-min video that uses manipulative tactics.
  5. jrysmile

    jrysmile Junior Member

    guess thats the end of KONY 2012 LOL
  6. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    These were put over top of KONY 2012 posters :up: .


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