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Insane in the Membrane

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by flutterby, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. flutterby

    flutterby Active Member

    So I emailed a chocolate company to ask what ingredients they use to sweeten their sugar free chocolates. I was told they used a derivative of wheat. I told the nice lady that I was allergic to wheat and it would have been nice to have been notified somewhere on their box. She then she said that that I was to presume that there might be wheat in the ingredients list because it did not say 'wheat free' on the box. wtf? I was warned, she explained, by the missing declaration of: 'wheat free.'

    so am I to presume then that cheese might contain bubble gum because it doesn't say 'bubble gum free' on the package?

    No one thinks that there might be wheat in chocolate, just like no one thinks that there might be bubble gum in cheese.

    I humbly suggested she instead ask the company to state: "may contain wheat." .....is that so hard?
  2. flutterby

    flutterby Active Member

  3. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    I think labeling on boxes should have a government regulated standardized section called "Allergens" listing them from most common to least common. That or have the information available online through a funded database.

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