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Home made (hand made) Indonesian Tempeh

Discussion in 'Food, Drinks and Dining' started by Meilita, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Meilita

    Meilita Junior Member

    Vegan or Tempeh lover here comes the good news for you, if you have been wondering where to buy the fresh, delicious and healthy indonesian tempeh in Vancouver, you can buy this product with me.

    My husband and I from Indonesia , we started making home made (hand made) tempeh since few months ago. Our tempeh always fresh because we only make the tempeh when our customers ordered it . Again its hand made therefore it takes time but its all worth it for you to wait to get those delicious, healthy and fresh tempeh that you have been craving for.

    Our tempeh weight 200 gram/ piece and it costs only $1.50 each. If you are interested to buy it please don't be hesitate to email me at [email protected]. I live in New Westminster , sometimes I do delivery it depends on where you live.

    I am looking forward to hear your comments or questions : )
  2. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    I was looking for this a few years ago :). Do you have any pictures of the finished product?
  3. Meilita

    Meilita Junior Member

    yes i can send you the pics if you would like to see the product. I am sorry this is my first time using this website its kinda confusing to me. do you have email address where i can send the pics to you.
  4. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    You can upload the picture at http://imgur.com/. Then copy and paste the link on the right under "BBCode (message boards & forums)".
  5. Meilita

    Meilita Junior Member

    here you go.. i got it ! :)




    Fixed link within IMG tags - FV Admin
  6. Meilita

    Meilita Junior Member

    oh wow Thanks :) look much better now hahhahaha
  7. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Cool thanks! New West is a bit far for me, do deliver to Vancouver?

    In truth, I've never had tempeh so I wouldn't know if I would like it or not :p. Don't know how to prepare it.
  8. Meilita

    Meilita Junior Member

    Well, are you a vegan ? If you never had tempeh before then why are you searching for it? Honestly if you are not a vegan or usual tempeh eater you are more likely to dislike the taste of tempeh and especially you mentioned you don't know how to prepare for it.
  9. camilla

    camilla New Member

    Hi Melita,
    I lived in Indonesia from 1997-98 and have been looking for tempeh like I had there ever since! I would love to get some from you. Do you live near a skytrain station? I don't have a car. Also I am wondering if I could freeze it as I might like to buy a larger amount since it is a long way to come for it...
    Terima kasih,
  10. Meilita

    Meilita Junior Member

    halo camilla,
    kirim email ke aku aja bole ga? kita bahas disana ya. saya tinggal deket station kok. email aku [email protected] terima kasih banyak.
  11. Meilita

    Meilita Junior Member

    Hi Camila,

    I am so sorry didn't pay enough attention to read the year you have live in Indonesia (1997-98). My brain was reading 1977 to 1998 so i presume you are Indonesian therefore I replied your message with Indonesian. I really apologize for my mistake. Anyway, you can absolutely freeze the tempeh in the freezer. I live nearby new westminister skytrain station. What about you ? We can always arrange a place to meet up. Please feel free to email me for the detail. my email is [email protected] Thank You
  12. nita

    nita Guest

    can I order tempe please
    I am from Jakarta Indonesia.
  13. dallas fodor

    dallas fodor Guest

  14. Bill

    Bill Full Member

    Available now at Superstore


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