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Hi from Ukraine!

Discussion in 'Welcome Lounge' started by Tatiana, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. Tatiana

    Tatiana New Member

    Hi to everyone! Vancouver was always my most treasured dream and I'm curious to know how local people are living there. Maybe someday I'll be among them. I'll be glad a new contacts and friends.

    With respect, from Odessa, Ukraine.
    Hudson88 likes this.
  2. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Hello! I kind of stumbled into this sub forum... Didn't know it was here...

    If there is anything I can tell you about Vancouver. just ask! I've lived near the city for over 40 years...
    I think we are nearly the rain capital of Canada. But that's OK, because when it's Sunny- it's S-p-e-c-t-a-c-u-l-a-r-!:fyeah:
    Yesterday, cloudy with on and off drizzle. Maybe 7 C or so? Tons of snow on the ski hills...
    Vancouver can be quite expensive for housing and such... Houses in the city itself are like a Million or more... I'm like 30 minutes south of the city, and houses are $500,000 and up...
    For news and events around Vancouver, you might check out www.news1130.com (local all news radio) or www.theprovince.com (daily newspaper)...

    There are more than a few forums to chat in... This ones fine, but www.memebee.com is a little livelier...

    What can you tell us/me about Odessa?
    How big is that area?
    How's the economy doing? Jobs? Housing?
    What kind of job/career are you in?
    Big family?
    Have you travelled much?
  3. niceman

    niceman New Member

    hello welcome to the community and enjoy posting..
  4. lktailor

    lktailor New Member


    Welcome to the Vancouver have a great and long stay.

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