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Did you know Vancouver has a dodgeball league?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by VDL Dodgeball, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. VDL Dodgeball

    VDL Dodgeball New Member

    That's right! The sport you loved as a child has been around in Vancouver for over a decade. However, instead of those scary red rubber balls, the Vancouver Dodgeball League uses foam balls.

    The league is built on the foundation of community, sportsmanship and fun. It's a non-profit dodgeball league wholly-run by volunteers who hope to give back to the community they love.

    If you and some friends want to sign up for the upcoming fall season, there are still a handful of spots left. You can either sign up an entire team for $600 plus tax or sign up as a single for $80 plus tax and get placed on a team with other new players. You will get 12 weeks of play on the night that you choose (Monday to Thursday). There's also a pub night, community engagement events and many other avenues to get out and meet other players.

    For more information, visit the website at www.vdldodgeball.ca or sign up at http://vdldodgeball.ca/register.

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