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Christmas dinner

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chrissy, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. chrissy

    chrissy Full Member

    What sort of Christmas dinner do you have on the big day ?
    I have a full traditional roast dinner which includes 3 kinds of meats.... Turkey , Beef and Pork .
  2. the mechanic

    the mechanic Active Member

    ... hey chrissy. mmm, that sounds delicious. i'm coming over to your place for christmas dinner! lol ...

    ... for the past several years i've had a roasted duck. it's become something of a tradition for me ...
  3. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Christmas dinner in a can.
    chrissy likes this.
  4. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Hi Chrissy!

    The Mrs is whipping up a Turkey, some ham, stuffing, whipped potatoes, and a few veggies...
    My sister is in charge of dessert- Apple Pie I hope...
    My Mom is in charge of dinner buns and the cranberry sauce...

    Heading to my Brothers on the 26th for a big- 2 family (His and his wifes families) get together... I think more along the lines of finger foods and such... Not a big sit down meal...

    Working both days (SSSS) but off in time for the get togethers..
  5. chrissy

    chrissy Full Member

    Hi Superchecker
    Hope your keeping well and enjoying the winter weather .
    Sounds like you will need to go to work so you can work off some of the food ..... lol
    Well enjoy your family get together as it only happens once a year .;)
  6. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Had a beef roast yesterday with some mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts and apple crisp for dessert. First dinner of many to come.
  7. chrissy

    chrissy Full Member

    Hey milquetoast cant beat topside beef..... yummy
    What is apple crisp ????? we probably call it something else .
  8. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    @chrissy apple crumble is the other name for it.
  9. chrissy

    chrissy Full Member

    Lol..... Of course one of our favorites .

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