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Canadian Class Action Lawsuit Settlements

Discussion in 'Shopping Discussions' started by milquetoast, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Most class actions happen in the US. Below is a list of national class action lawsuits in Canada, so Canadians are eligible to participate in the lawsuit and receive the settlement payouts. Most of these lawsuits are related to consumer protection and some do not require proof of purchase.

    Danone Activia and DanActive Class Action Settlement: http://www.collectiva.ca/en/dossiers/DanoneInc.php
    Claim form deadline: August 27, 2013

    Chocolate Price Fixing Class Action Settlement (Cadbury, Hershey, Nestlé, Mars, ITWAL): http://www.chocolateclassaction.com/
    Claim form deadline: December 15, 2013

    Groupon Expiry Date Class Action Settlement: http://grouponclassaction.nationalclassactions.ca/
    Claim form deadline: January 27, 2014

    LCD Panel Price-Fixing Class Action Settlement (LG, Samsung, Hitachi, Sharp, Toshiba et al.): www.lcdclassactioncanada.com/
    Claim form deadline: December 9, 2014

    Hyundai and Kia Fuel Efficiency Class Action Settlement: http://www.classaction.ca/classacti...tions/hyundai-kia-fuel-efficiency-claims.aspx
    Claim form deadline: July 30, 2015

    Energy Drink Class Action Settlement (Pepsi, Coca Cola, Red Bull, Rockstar et al.): http://www.energydrinkclassaction.com/

    Bell Mobility Class Action Settlement (Bell, Virgin Mobile, Solo Mobile): http://www.bellmobilityclassaction.ca/ [Ontario only]

    Pending Consumer Protection Class Action Lawsuits: http://www.classaction.ca/actions/Consumer-Protection/Current-Actions
    Bill likes this.
  2. Bill

    Bill Full Member

    Ontario only? Wonder why the rest of the Canadians are not included. Bell/Virgin pay per use is also used by Canadians outside Ontario. They too had their credit balances seized by Bell/Virgin.
  3. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Bill likes this.

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