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Canada Emergency Plumbing Services

Discussion in 'Questions and Feedback' started by RZsocial, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. RZsocial

    RZsocial New Member

    Canada is one of the world’s leading economies. People here have got absolutely no time to put their lives on hold, wait for someone to visit them and fix their household problems.

    People don’t even have the time or patience to tell the repairing agencies what exactly the issue is! That’s where fraud and unskilled agencies take advantage of people.

    They charge them a fortune and provide absolutely below average service. When it comes to plumbing, the problem is even more severe. Agencies resort to tactics like replacing leaking pipes when not needed and installing an average, low-quality one with zero warranty.
  2. Vancovy

    Vancovy New Member

    Thanks for the info!

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