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Broken Roomba - Where can I get it fixed?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sally Maze, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. Sally Maze

    Sally Maze New Member

    Hi I have a Roomba that doesn't move forward for some reason. It just goes in circles. Where can I get this fixed? Any suggestions?
  2. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Not sure about locally, but there's a website that sells DIY iRobot Roomba Repair Kits to fix your issue, which goes by many names: Circle Dance, 9 Beep Error, IR Bump Sensor Error.


  3. highrise

    highrise Guest

    Thanks for the info. Worked awesome
  4. Captzee

    Captzee Junior Member

    Cat's are the biggest cause of break downs of Romba's. Don't let your cat do this.


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