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Fashion & Beauty Unwilling to discard the old ones

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alice1990, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Alice1990

    Alice1990 New Member

    Moving to the new house, every people will have a happy mood. And every item should be new. But I do not want to discard the Curtains accompany with me about 10 years.

    My mother would be glad to take some more fashion and elegant Window Coverings to replace the old ones. How to say, I know the new house should have some new elements. But those curtains also are I loved for many years. So I will be stand on my own mind to protect them and against with mom. I believe I can.
  2. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    I'm the same with stuff. It's the sentimental value.
  3. ema

    ema Full Member

    I'm really confused how this is Fashion &Beauty...

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