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Seems out of the scope of "Forum vancouver" but does anyone know where to collect mussles?

Discussion in 'Food, Drinks and Dining' started by will604, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. will604

    will604 New Member

    Judging by the "MacDonalds such and such crap sauce is back" and "KFC heart attack sandwich on now till you involuntarily projectile vomit" threads, I assume no one with any real interest in real food uses this forum..however if anyone does, do you know where to collect mussles in Vancouver. Im thinking off the rocks near lighthouse park when the tides down. Or maybe Ambleside?

  2. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Hey, people can enjoy both junk and "real" food :).

    Ambleside Park and I believe Belcarra Regional Park. There should be shellfish at crabbing places too such as around the ferry terminal, barnet marine park, cates park, etc.

    You need a tidal (saltwater) fishing license: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/licence-permis/index-eng.htm#Tidal_Licensing

    Watch out for closures and red tide warnings too, shellfish can be dangerous if you're not careful: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/species-especes/shelltable-tableaucoquille-eng.htm
  3. fastfoodie

    fastfoodie Guest

    QFT, the amount of food snobbery nowadays is idiotic.

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