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MasterIng the stars

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by flutterby, May 15, 2014.

  1. flutterby

    flutterby Active Member

    Heres the thing with Astrology ie the planetary influences on our lives, they can be 'balanced' and worked with. For example, if the planets indicate an aggressive time, one would then make a conscious and disciplined effort to ' do the opposite', ie be calmer, patient, slowed.

    So the idea is to " master the stars" so that we can maintain agency as much as possible.

  2. the mechanic

    the mechanic Active Member

    ... makes sense. what about now? is it an aggressive or peaceful time according to the stars?
  3. flutterby

    flutterby Active Member

    Well Mars, the planet of aggression, is retrograde in the constellation of Libra. Libra is a sign that evaluates or weighs all pros and cons before acting. But because it is retrograte this means there is a stalled quality to our actions and plans so there can be some frustration. To balance this, one could hold of on decisions about courses of action until Mars is direct again after May 20.
    the mechanic likes this.
  4. the mechanic

    the mechanic Active Member

    ... i see. thank you for the information and i'll take it into consideration if i have any important decisions to make before may 20 ...

    ... thanks for replying ...
  5. flutterby

    flutterby Active Member

    Whats with the new glasses icon? Any statement from mods on new site upgrades? Seems like when posting a topic now you gotta choose what classification it belongs too.
    the mechanic likes this.
  6. Forum Vancouver

    Forum Vancouver Administrator Staff Member

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  7. Vivek Golikeri

    Vivek Golikeri Active Member

    I keep an open mind about astrology although I am not into it. Some aspects can be scientifically explained. For example, energy from the moon might unbalance edgy person during a full moon. Other energies from elsewhere in space could trigger other forms of emotion or behavior. When huge numbers of people are all behavior-modified the same way, that can cause events on Earth.
  8. Night Of GuardianS

    Night Of GuardianS Active Member

    For November


    Representatives of this sign can be divided into three big groups.

    The first group is those who will be “feverish”. This group consists of Aries’ born on April 1 – 3. There is nothing stable in your life; the situation is changing every day. However, in fact you are ready for the changes. In the second ten days of November you should be very careful with technical equipment, electricity and explosives. Try not to get involved in conflicts: it doesn’t matter what kind of urge you feel for defending your truth. In December you will feel the influence of Pluto and Uranus. Don’t try to swim against the current: not much depends on your efforts in this time.

    The second group includes Aries’ born on April 10 – 13. Thanks to the favorable energy of Jupiter, you will have an excellent opportunity to raise your prestige and improve your career/financial situation. There is a chance in December to return to postponed projects and complete them with a significant gain.

    All other Aries belong to the third group. You are in the middle; life is “striped” as usual. The second half of November and the first half of December are good for socializing and romantic affairs.


    You will be more successful in the role of an informal leader in this time. There might be problems with the formal power. In November and the beginning of December actions won’t demand a lot of energy from you, but for the rest of December it might be the opposite (even conflicts are probable).

    A heavy burden of responsibilities may drop on the shoulders of Taurus’ born from the 15th till 21st of May. For some of you this will be a short-term period of soul crisis, pessimism and depression. Chronic illnesses might become more acute. Older relatives might cause a lot of problems.


    These two months are expected to be pretty favorable for you. There are a lot of opportunities for changes in a career area for the better. You can experience a squall of contacts – which will often prove useless – in the first half of December.

    Geminis born on May 26 – 27 are still prone to doubts, misleads and lack of self-confidence. You need constantly to do a reality check in this time because there is a tendency to confuse wishful thinking with true life.


    For the majority of Cancers, November and December will be quite nice. However, it makes sense for some representatives of this sign to pay attention to my warnings.

    Those who were born on July 3 – 5 shouldn’t expect even a relative stability in December. Be ready for surprises. Flying isn’t recommended from the 10th till 20th of December. In the first half of November you might face a lot of opponents. Be careful with radiation and explosives. If you are going on vacation to the warm countries, don’t spend much time in the sun.

    For Cancers born on July 9 – 11, November 18 – 21 can be traumatic days: be careful. The probability of surgery also increases on those days.


    December will be more dynamic than November. Overall, the end of the year will be very different for various representatives of this sign.

    Leos born on July 13 – 15 are under the wonderful influence of the planet Jupiter. Your ambitions can be realized in this period of time; your authority is on the rise as well as your aspiration for travelling and broadening your horizons.

    Born on July 16 – 23 will feel the opposite energy: from Saturn. Being at peace with yourself and others might be difficult for you; the feeling of loneliness and estrangement is possible.


    In general these are very good months for you. Your systematic efforts will bring great results.

    Unfortunately, Virgos born on August 27 – 28 might lose their original common sense. Illusions and deception are capable of leading you far away from the right path. Don’t try “an ostrich position”: your head in the sand doesn’t make you invisible.


    November will be a stressful month for the majority of Libras as well as December.

    Libras born on October 4 – 6 will feel the Uranus – Pluto square. It is better not to plan anything between the 10thand 20th of December: the result can be exactly the opposite. Changes might touch your entire life. Flying isn’t recommended in this period. The 10 – 13th will be the most difficult days of November for those who were born in the above-mentioned days. In those four days be careful with machinery, electricity and fire.


    You are still active and ready for great deeds.

    Scorpios born from the 16th till 22nd of November might yet suffer a little bit from Saturn’ influence, but at the end of December this planet will move to Sagittarius and all Scorpios finally will take a long breath. Until it happens, the above mentioned Scorpios might suffer a bit of the state of deep life dissatisfaction, loneliness and lack of freedom.

    Because those born on November 18 – 19 have Saturn in conjunction with their Sun on their birthdays, Saturn can spread his influence for the entire year. This influence can be positive, if you agree to get rid of unnecessary things, review priorities and focus on long-term plans.


    The end of the year promises to be pretty pleasant for you.

    Sags born on December 12 – 15 will get support in career and money areas. Those who are engaged in teaching or politics can catch their “moment of glory”.

    Sagittarius’ born on December 4 – 5 may feel again an urge for changes (although this urge probably was always there). You had time to plan those changes thoroughly, now it is time to make it happen.


    Capricorn, which is also a cardinal sign, will have to deal with Uranus and Pluto as well. It doesn’t mean it will include all representatives of this sign.

    That which is mentioned above will concern only those who were born on January 2 – 4. However, Capricorns might react to this astrological event differently than other cardinal signs. In fact Pluto is in conjunction with your Sun and gives a tremendous amount of energy as well as the ability to influence other people. It is important to use this power in a peaceful way. Problems can’t be avoided if a destructive element is involved. In November pay attention to your health (especially concerns people with cardio-vascular problems).

    November 18 – 21 may be traumatic for Capricorns born on January 8 – 9. Be careful with sharp objects and fire.


    If you want to rest, it is better to do this in November. Relaxation is unlikely in December, which is expected to be a dynamic month. The recognition of your efforts in a work sphere is very unlikely.

    Aquarius born on February 15 – 18 might feel that everybody around them are up in arms against them. People’s inadequate behavior can hurt you.


    Overall, the last two months of the year are positive for you. Don’t wait for tomorrow for making steps, do it today.

    It is possible that Pisces born on March 3 – 4 will be put in front of a choice. As usual in your life, the choice will be difficult. However, it is better to make it in order to exit a tricky situation.

    Pisces born on February 23 – 24 are under the strong influence of the planet Neptune. This influence can be felt variously: either as increasing nervousness, hesitation and illusions, or as the blooming of creativity, inspiration and intuition.

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